Obviously the North is behind in
terms participation in the Nigerian Tech ecosystem. The need for a special intervention program to
develop and catapult this greatly blessed region is not a far-fetched idea.
That is why Emerge Tech Africa and Network of Innovators & Incubators in Nigeria (NINE) will be
hosting the first ever Startup Arewa. This is an event that is sure to disrupt
the tech ecosystem and forever carve a niche for the large number of northern
techies. Startup Arewa will create the much needed platform to harness the
untapped skills in the region’s IT space. It is a 3-days event organized specifically
to explore the teeming ICT potentials and opportunities that abound in the
nineteen states of the north.
The maiden edition of the program will be held in Kaduna city and it is expected
to run for three days during which Startup Arewa will identify, group and profile
creative and innovative startup ideas. Startup Arewa is a comprehensive and structured
plan for ICT development in Northern Nigeria. It is a community based program
that will partner with State governments, ICT industry stakeholders from both
public and private sector and the global ICT community.
The program is expected to hold between 17th to 18th November, 2016 at
the Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation Hall, No 13 Racecourse Road,
Kaduna Nigeria. Over 200 IT startups are expected to be identified, ideas will be grouped and a selection and incubation process for the program champions will be put in place for growth and sustainability. Several factors are expected to make Startup Arewa successful, with the likes of Startup Kaduna, Startup Kano and nHub. It is no doubt that the North has fully embraced the Startup Culture. Participants should register via the Startup Arewa website.
The program is expected to hold between 17th to 18th November, 2016 at
the Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation Hall, No 13 Racecourse Road,
Kaduna Nigeria. Over 200 IT startups are expected to be identified, ideas will be grouped and a selection and incubation process for the program champions will be put in place for growth and sustainability. Several factors are expected to make Startup Arewa successful, with the likes of Startup Kaduna, Startup Kano and nHub. It is no doubt that the North has fully embraced the Startup Culture. Participants should register via the Startup Arewa website.
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This is it, the long awaited transformation of the Northern IT ecosystem. Up Startup Arewa.